Welcome to Strategic Business Coaching & Marketing

Owning a small business will require you to realise your full potential. You must be flexible, innovative, and find a way to manage all the complex demands of your business. As a small business owner you spend a vast amount of time and energy in your business. You should ask yourself is it time to grow you and your business to the next level? Is it time to get some help? We are based in Melbourne, Victoria and have clients throughout Australia.
Through one on one small business coaching, and business mentoring I empower you to increase your influence and sales. Have a 20/20 vision for your business and stop working so hard.
Small business coaching helps you develop the strategies and techniques to create business success to think strategically about your business and assists you to:
- Learn proven marketing and business skills.
- Increase sales and create growing profits.
- Expand your influence and grow your client base.
- Develop a strategic plan of action exclusive for growing your business.
- Learn to have Clarity, Confidence and Certainty about your business, vision and the big projects..
- Learn techniques to ensure sustainable motivation and accountability.
- Time Management and how to maximise your productive time whilst working less hours.
- Do the important things first by prioritising your tasks.
- Get rid of the feeling of being overwhelmed.
- Knowing that help is only a ‘phone call away.
Why do I need Small Business Coaching?
Small business owners generally face three major challenges: There is a major need to increase your influence and sales which often means getting in front of new prospective customers.
- You have stacks of ideas and information, but what do you do first and how do you prioritise? You really need an unbiased trusted person to help you put together and implement a structured action plan to take your business to the next level.
- You pretty much know what needs to done but you don’t have the necessary systems, procedures and structures in place to get things done efficiently.
It’s difficult to be great at your “trade” and also be great at business. When you go into business you are generally passionate about your product without having the support and knowledge you need to run a business. What happens then? Generally you end up struggling to make your business a success. Does this sound familiar? All your enthusiasm, passion, motivation self belief and determination can drain away. Your passion becomes a chore. That’s where small business coaching can rekindle the passion in your belly.
Get Started NOW …
- First, Decide whether this is something that you truly want and can commit to. You are looking for someone to assist you with the skills that you do not have. Remember over 95% of business owners do not have the specialised knowledge and skills needed to run a business on their own. You are not alone, in fact you are part of the vast majority, however, you are one of relatively few who realise that they can seek help.
- Second, Consider what are your greatest business challenges? What would you want from a small business coach and what are the most important outcomes you’d expect from working together? Once you know this we can talk.
- Third, call today to schedule an appointment: +61 409 177 009 or email enquiries@strategicbusinesscoaching.net.au to set up your initial consultation so we can have a chat to see how we can help you.
It’s that simple …
We have the tools and the desire to empower you to succeed. I’m Lorraine Brooks, a specialist small business coach, consultant, author and Director of Strategic Business Coaching and Marketing. I have owned my own businesses over the past 15 years, and I am a certified small business coach working with business just like yours every day. My passion is assisting small business owners like yourself to unlock your potential, thereby creating the business that you thought only possible in your dreams. When you become part of our small business coaching program we will equip you with the tools you need to succeed. Want to find out more?…. then I invite you to read more about us. Running your own business should provide you with the best lifestyle and give you the opportunity to create the business of your imagination. This is absolutely possible with the help of small business coaching from Strategic Business Coaching. Please let us help.